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Red-footed Falcon 2024
Hawfinch 24-25
Yellow-browed Warbler 2024
Rook 23-24
Mitred Parakeet 23-24
Red-billed Leiothrix 21-24
Orange-tip 2024
Painted Lady 2024
Nettle-tree Butterfly 2024
Large Tortoiseshell 2024
Marsh Fritillary 22-24
Monarch 23-24
Plain Tiger 23-24
Coypu 17-22
Tettigettalna argentata 15-22
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Com entrar dades al mòdul de mortalitat
Com entrar dades de mortalitat a l'app NaturaList
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Privacy Policy & Terms of use
The use of this web page and/or register as a user means de acceptation of the following Privacy Policy and Conditions of Use.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy determines the way the ASSOCIACIÓ INSTITUT CATALÀ D’ORNITOLOGIA (hereafter referred to as ICO) complies with its obligations the responsible entity of the treatment of data.
For any questions you can contact us at:
Phone: (+34) 93 458 78 93
Address: ICO, Nat - Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Pl. Leonardo de Vinci, 4-5, 08019 Barcelona.
Use of personal data
Personal data provided through this web will be included in a database owned by the ICO.
Personal contact data will only be used to have you updated about the project (for example, by means of the electronic bulletin of the project) or in the event that we have to contact you concerning your observations.
Personal data will not be given to third parties without previous consent except in the cases allowed by the current legislation.
Users can exercise their rights of access, rectification, suppression, oposition and limitation in the treatment according to what the  UE Regulation 2016/679 states.
Users can change their personal data anytime in “My Account”, on the main menu of the web portal (lower part to the left in the main page).
Treatment of your observation data (including observations, images, audios, etc.)
The observations referring to especially sensitive species or the data and comments that you have intentionally hidden will not be visible to other users of the web site. The rest of your data and comments, as well as the coordinates of the localities where you have made the observations can be seen by any other user of the web site. You can hide your data whenever you want, using several mechanisms that offers. If you wish, you can hide data that you had sent previously., like the rest of citizen science projects of the ICO, is designed to obtain sound and independent environmental information that contributes to conservation policies for biodiversity and to a better knowledge of birds. This is the reason why all observations entered via get integrated in the databases of the ICO, where they are managed, treated and analyzed with the goal to reach this objective and promote ornithological research in general. By participating in this project, therefore, you grant us permission to use all your observations the way we believe is more adequate to reach the objectives mentioned above. The use of you data by no means is exclusive to the ICO and, therefore, you can share them to other organizations at any time.
Authorship is an intrinsic part of observational data, therefore, both in and the rest of visors and other information channels related to this project, your name will always be associated to your observations and, therefore, in general it will be visible to anyone. Furthermore, your name can also appear in other statistical sections or rankings or in queries of several nature that have as a goal to promote participation, a core objective of any citizen science project, since obtaining a large sample is key to any scientific study. However, offers several ways to manage how your name will be shown. Consequently, if you wish that all or some of your data are shown as anonymous, you just need to make the corresponding adjustments in the section of personal data on the web or when entering or editing your observations.
Your observation data are of scientific nature and, therefore, once sent to, will become part of the project and our databases for an undefined period of time.
Our policy on minors
You must be at least 15 years old to register in or have the authorization of the parental responsibility holder on the minor.
Changes in our Privacy Policy
The ICO can change this Privacy Policy anytime. If you don’t agree on any of the changes that may take place on our Privacy Policy you can deregister from anytime by contacting us at the above address.
Conditions of use
1.Property of this web site
The web site, as well as the rest of the visors and other information channels related to this project are owned by the ICO. Al rights on its content, images, texts and design are owned by the ICO or, as in some photographs, by their authors. All the items of this web site, including without limitation, its design and its contents are protected by the laws of Intellectual Property, industrial property and international rights related to copyrights.
2.Use of its contents
Unless it is expressly authorized by the ICO, the contents of this web site cannot be reproduced, transmitted or exploited anyway except to make an educational use or strictly personal and non-commercial use.
Teachers and other members of educational, scientific and environmental institutions or organizations are authorized to download, print, reproduce and distribute the contents of this web site that can be beneficial for their use in educational environments. This authorization embraces only up to what is necessary to directly benefit students. These contents, however, cannot be distributed beyond the institution related to the user and by no means can be used with commercial purposes. The contents that are used must always maintain unaltered the copyright and property warnings. The contents cannot be republished or become part of other web sites even with educational purposes.
3. Responsibilities
3.1. In spite the ICO puts the maximum effort to guarantee the precision and accuracy of the contents of this web site, it can contain errors or inaccuracies. Consequently, we cannot guarantee the truthfulness, reliability or accuracy of its content.
3.2. The ICO rejects the responsibility on the information contained in web sites of third parties connected by links to the pages of
3.3. Under no circumstance, the ICO can be held responsible of any harm or damage of any kind arisen as a result of, or in relation to, the use of this web site.
3.4 The ICO must be indemnified as a result of any harm or damage produced as a result of the non-compliance by the user of the present conditions or the use of the contents of this web site without previous authorization.
4. Divisibility
If any clause of the present conditions doesn’t have validity or becomes non-valid or results non-executable according to the applicable laws, this clause will not have effect but only in this precise lack of validity and, therefore, will not affect any other clause of the present conditions.
5. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction
These conditions of use must be interpreted and are regulated by the current legislation. Any dispute relating these conditions will be resolved by the courts of Barcelona, Catalunya. However, this does not prevent the ICO from exercise the right to resolve any law suit in any other competing jurisdiction.
6. Modifications
The ICO reserves its right to change the contents of this web site, at any time and without previous notice.
Biolovision Sàrl (Switzerland), 2003-2025